if you've been around here for any amount of time, you've met them. :) they are super fun people...but this post isn't about shaun...sorry buddy...today is erin's birthday so it's all about her!

i remember the first time we met...i don't think i've ever told you this story, erin...maybe i have...i don't know. i had been going to windsor for a little while and didn't really know anyone. one saturday night, i happened to see one of my friends from college in the lobby. she invited me to hang out with her friends and i decided to go. i was super nervous...totally out of my comfort zone not knowing anyone but kristin. we had pizza and played spoons on the living room floor of someone's house. erin asked me to sit by her while we played, so i did. and at the end of the night, she told me she was glad that i had come...and i could tell that she was being truly genuine. i don't know why it struck me, but it did...it took a little while after that for us to really get to know each other and become close, but thus began a beautiful friendship :)
i thought i'd share a bit of our fun from this year...here we go!!!!!
this was from our new year's fondue party. geez we chopped veggies forever didn't we?

we went to chicago in january...i think that was the coldest i've ever been! -16 degrees! but seriously...the dunkin' donuts made it all worth it!! :)
sometimes shaun is mean. i have to protect erin and keep him in line ;) back off, bub. i'm gonna getcha! hehe.
getting warm again at second city in chicago. i really like this one. :) we laughed soooo hard that night!!!!!!!!!! and the mac and cheese at corcoran's...mmmm...haven't had any like it since.
goofing off at our superbowl party. i have several pics of up erin's nose that she took and a pic of her with a styrofoam cup in her mouth. i chose to leave those out. it is her birthday you know. :) you're welcome, buddy. :) haha!
weekend at the lake--ah look...playing spoons again. how ironic. we were the last two standing...

I MISSED THE SPOON!!! AND I WAS THE ONE WITH 4 OF A KIND!!!! she definitely showed no mercy. :) oh, i'm such a dork!
this was at my birthday dinner...macaroni grill. yum! i have truly amazing friends. they sacrificed their valentine's day evening to have dinner with me actually ON my birthday.
suit up...part un (that's "one" in french :p). the guys suited up and we played mini golf to celebrate me getting into nursing school! what a great night!
this one cracks me up! :)
us at the botanical garden earlier this summer. that was the day i went by myself to shoot some photos...i had no idea erin and shaun were going there too. we just happened to meet up. :) ignore the renee part of this pic. i look a hot sweaty mess.
adam and erin sometimes fight over who is really my best friend. adam made this poster and sent it to both of us. i tweaked it just a bit. hehe :) gotta love photoshop!
i'm so thankful for you erin. i'm grateful for your constant prayer and support. i love that you aren't afraid to tell me when i'm being stupid and hold me accountable when i need it. you are such a godly example to me...in your life, in your marriage...i so appreciate that. you are truly beautiful and fun and i am sooo blessed that you are in my life.
happy birthday, erin!!!!!!!!!! i'm so glad you're my best friend!!!!
1 comment:
I expect the same kind of tribute to me on my b-day! :) Best friends are the best and a true gift from God. Glad you are able to be around your friend so much and spend so much time together. Fun times!
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