Monday, January 12, 2009


so...the last time i took chemistry was my junior year of high school.  anyone want to venture a guess as to how long ago that was???  yeah...1998.  i have forgotten everything!!!!  the only thing i remember is boyle's and charles law (which i just remember their names) and d=m/v (which means density = mass divided by volume.)
i'm taking chemistry online this semester and i'm doing conversions and significant digits and a bunch of other gobbledygook.  c'mon brain...recall some of this meaningless drivel!!!!!!!  relearning hurts my head.  i look at the problems and think "sometime i knew how to do this stuff"...
ugh...i'm getting know who you are!

i think i'm going to give up for the an 8 hour break to recharge my brain cells.  yeah that sounds better!  hehe...GOOD NIGHT!!!  :)

1 comment:

Lori said...

I'll have you know, the whole time I was in my new dance class last night, all I kept thinking about was how you said you would pay to see me dance like a fool. Thanks! I hope you had a good nights rest and can clean out the cob webs in your brain for your chemistry class. Better you than me!