Sunday, February 20, 2011


i have turned 30.  i am coming to grips with this.

i have lost 4 pounds.  this helps with the turning 30 deal.

sometimes i clean my apartment with my homecoming queen tiara on.  because it's funny.

i ate my first turkey burger tonight.  i liked it.

i will probably undo all of the healthy-ness of that burger with junk because the girls are coming over for a movie.  i like this also.

that is all. 


Kristin Eldridge said...

Your funny. (vacuuming with tiara)

Rachel said...

Welcome to the 30's! This is where we girls really become our fabulous selves :)

Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

I am not going gray. I am not going gray.

Congrats on the 4 pounds! Me too! But the other way! Boo...

Have fun with the girls!

Jenny said...

Your posts always make me smile! :)

Lyryn said...

LOL, this was a cute post!! 30.. I got two years, but I think i know what you mean ;)

Tobi said...

30 Looks good on you, Renee. :)

a blog full of weldons. said...

You are just so adorable I can hardly stand it :) you make me smile