Thursday, September 10, 2009

just a bit of news...

lots on my mind. i've felt bad that i haven't blogged anything of substance lately. i guess that happens when your life is as crazy as mine...working full time, going to school during the evening and on weekends, and trying to balance life on top of that. i'm tired, kiddos. so tired. thoughts of posts swirl in my brain, but i never have time to put thoughts i need to carry a notebook and jot my thoughts as they come and type them up later. we'll see if that happens. for now, i guess the busy-ness has paid off because i took test number 2 tonight...

drumroll please...

i only missed 2 questions! 94.1%!!! yeah baby! i actually had the right answers on the two i missed, but second guessed myself and changed them. i hate it when i do that!! oh well...scored an A. i'm good with that. :)

my next test is tuesday night. i plan on rockin' it. just so you know.

the end...for now. i need sleep!

oh yeah...and one more thing...i'm inspired by this image today...253:365

courtesy of

the end...for real this time...