Sunday, June 7, 2009

botanical gardens

so i spent a lovely sunny yesterday at the missouri botanical garden.  it's been sooo long since i've had a day just to myself to shoot.  it was soooo good!!    just me, my ipod and my camera.  the gardens were beautiful and i had lots of think/release/praying time.  

these are just a few of my favorites from the day...

my personal favorite

water lily

hello little turtle buddy!

these make my heart smile

check out that sunflare!!  i'm channelling my good friend lisa on this one.  she' got mad sunflare skills :)

japanese iris...gorgeous!

this is my 2nd favorite

hope you enjoyed!  let me know what you think!  :)


Mom x 3 said...

Stunning pictures! I liked the turtle one best--so cute! :) said...

Absolutely phenomenal. How did you learn how to do that? Serious skills!

Glad you had some time to soak in the fragrance of our Lord!

Casey said...

So jealous! That sounds like such a relaxing day!

Great pics!

Queen Mommy said...

Great pics!! I liked the same ones you did, and add the dragon fly one to my list as well. Beautiful!!

brian said...

Wish I could take pictures like that...

But I suppose that's really not going to happen on my Nikkon Cool Pix, is it? :)

Oh, and yes, I'd need some talent too :)

Chris Huff said...

Nice shots! I liked the turtle the most, closely followed by your second fav. And brian, any camera will do. You've just got to develop an eye for what makes a good picture. Good equipment helps, but is definitely not the primary ingredient.

Lyryn said...

Just beautiful! I love it! I want to go there. You are great with the camera!

Katie said...

SO PRETTY! Can I order one for my wall? I also like your signature thingy

Emily said...

Oh, these are just beautiful! Is this in St. Louis?

Jenny said...

The pictures are absolutely beautiful! You are very talented. I enjoy reading your blog and think you seem a lot like some of my friends. I love your perspective and enjoy hearing your thoughts! Have a wonderful week!

kiss my spatula said...

gorgeous - i feel like i took a walk through the gardens myself.

♥peachkins♥ said...

I love your photos♥