Saturday, June 27, 2009

4 words...

i am so blessed to be able to call windsor crossing my home.  the pastors and staff are amazing...not to mention the people who attend.  i usually go to the late saturday night service and tonight we had a guest speaker.  his message really spoke to my heart so i thought i'd share a bit of my notes...they might be a bit random, sorry for that, but this is kind of me just spilling my guts a bit...  

the basic gist was that the bible could be summed up in 4 words...of, and, with, and in.  interesting choices, huh.  i was thinking of words more like love, grace, etc.  but this is better...

1. of - genesis 1:27 "in the image of God, He created them..."  
some definitions-belonging to; from; set aside for.  
adam and eve were able to have community with the One they were of...before the fall anyway.  i love the idea of the fact that i belong to God.  that i'm set aside for Him.  that i'm beloved...
beloved...another post for another time...

2. and - exodus 33:18-19  -now there is a separation.  sin has separated us from God and each other.  in the old testament God was present but distant.  
present but many of us feel that way...either now or sometime in our lives?  i know i've felt it...during dark times of sickness or heartbreak.  but it doesn't have to stay that way...  
"I will cause my goodness"-i found it interesting that in these verses, God chose to show moses only His goodness...He has so many other attributes...power, glory, jealousy, wisdom, wrath, sovereignty...but He chose His amazing goodness.  such a reminder to me of His love.  even when moses demanded to be shown Who God is...much like my own demands...God responded in goodness...not anger or wrath.  

3. with - matthew 1:23 "God with us" now people were able to actually walk, talk, laugh, and eat with Jesus.  God was no longer present but distant.  He was actually present.  but if i can bring Him with me, then certainly, i can leave Him out...

which brings me to the last word...

4. in - colossians 1:26-27 our hope of glory.  i can no longer leave Him out.  because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, i have 100% access.  there all the time, no matter what.  God says "you are in me, live out of me"  don't settle for a safe, weak, comfortable christian life.  if Christ is in me, it changes the excuses...this is the way i've always done it, this is just the way it is, i can't change.

4 words.  yep...pretty much sums it up.  

any thoughts???


Mom x 3 said...

Those were not the four words I was thinking of either, but such a good message! Thanks for sharing!!

Casey said...

Don't you love it when you hear something that resonates with you!?

Thanks for sharing with the rest of us! said...

What a gift...I love it when speakers message speaks directly to it was made for me.

I love our God, I love His attributes. I love that he cares enough to speak directly to me.

Seems you had one of those personal moments...awesome.