Friday, July 25, 2008


recovering from an INSANE week at work.
pondering emotions...they are very strange things.
thankful for the ones that showed up last night...rob and rachael, thanks for the awesome conversation.
hoping that my direct deposit will deposit my paycheck today.  i have a wedding gift to pick up and a very long drive this weekend.
continually amazed at God's provision.  it's been tough to be without a paycheck for a few months.  but He keeps coming through for me.
listening to derek webb on my itunes.  if you haven't checked out his stuff, you should.
trying to choose which of my shots will go in the gallery next week.  i just don't know.
wishing i had some elves to clean my apartment while i'm running around crazy this weekend.
sad that it's rainy today.  usually rainy days make my heart smile, but not when i have the morning off work and was planning to go to the pool.
happy that my appointment with dr. farrell went well yesterday.  
needing to get off here and get on with my day.


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