Thursday, May 29, 2008

i am a big fat slacker. well, maybe not...well, yes i am. i'm sorry. you didn't log on here to read about me arguing with myself...
this post is serving to give me a swift kick in the boo-tay. i need to be checking into more nursing programs. on one hand, i reapplied to mobap & registered for anatomy and physiology 1 &2 in the fall and spring (that's the part where i'm not a slacker)...on the other, i've not made any calls to other schools since maryville (the slacker part) :)

God has made it pretty clear this week...
"...i want you to get out there and walk--better yet run!--on the road God called you to travel. i don't want any of you sitting around on your hands. i don't want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere. and mark that you do this with humility and discipline--not in fits and starts..." eph 4:1-3ish the message

be fits and starts...don't sit around on your hands.
yep, it's time.


Katie said...

Yeah you should get on that : )

I think the sooner you are a nurse the better. Particularly for the patients you'll take care of!

Jennifer said...

That is quite the passage you've found and an inspiration for me, too. Thanks for sharing!!