Sunday, August 9, 2009

bergman fam 2009

i was given the opportunity to hang out with and shoot photos of one of my favorite families yesterday. rob and rachel are so much fun and their kiddos are just the CUTEST!!!!!! i shot photos for them last year and was so honored that they asked me again this year! we went to the botanical gardens (free for st. louis city and county residents saturdays before noon, btw) and even though the day heated up quickly, we had a blast! here's a few of my favorites from the day...

aren't they just adorable???

caden and claire were excited to play on the sheep...

look at that cute face!!!

tickles from mom... :)

love this one!!

they are too much fun!

isn't rachel gorgeous?

sometimes ya just gotta stop and smell the those are...i forgot to look. hehe.

cute couple!

cooling off...

she had so much fun running around! it was cracking me up!!!

this little dude has grown up so much in the last year! and look at those out ladies!!!! ;)

this one might be my favorite...

kisses for mom... :)

thanks guys, for such a great day!!! i loved shooting for you!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

The feet one is defintely my favorite.

Q, La, and Gooner said...

What a beautiful family and you captured them so well! I love it!

Lyryn said...

That is so great and you did such a fantastic job!!! I love taking pictures of people I know!!! So much fun!

Rachel Bergman said...

Thanks so much, Renee! We had a blast too!

Emily said...

What little cuties! Love the feet picture, too.

Tobi said...

These are all very fun shots! Love the feet pic as well. Great job!

Mom x 3 said...

Love the feet picture!! They're all good! :)

Queen Mommy said...

AWESOME photos!! You are very talented!