Tuesday, June 16, 2009


ROUGH weekend turned into a rough monday...rough weekend we aren't going to talk about, except to say that it was topped off by a bout of the 24 hour flu...or something...i woke up with a throbbing headache...couldn't lift my head off the pillow, sinus nastiness, nausea, fever and aches.  oh yes, it was so fun.  needless to say, i skipped out on work, but because i'm a super dedicated student, i brought myself up from the depths to drive an hour and zombie my way through microbiology.  i'm tough...what can i say?

random Jesus thoughts from the past few days...

a word for me from pastor jeremy...God is sovereign.  thanks for the encouragement, pastor j.  you are truly a blessing.

indeed...God is sovereign.

isaiah 55 is pretty much awesome and i think i've read it over about 20 times in the last 3 days.  particularly verses 6, and 8-13.  

in other randomness...

is it possible to hit a nerve during a blood draw?  cause when that chippy in the lab drew my blood this morning, i definitely felt like i got shocked by some kind of voltage...felt it to the tips of my fingers all the way back up through my bicep.  my bicep is still sore...stinkin' vampire chick trying to damage the guns!!  geez!

also had an appointment with dr. f. this afternoon.  he says things are looking pretty good.  we chatted a little about where we are and where we are going.  i told him about my prednisone issues...told him i'd about had enough of the side effects.  that i've been pretty much a wreck since i went back on it.  really high highs, really low lows, tears......every day...lots of them...at the worst times ever, i've gained about 8 pounds in the last 2 and a half weeks (that's enough to send a girl over the edge), and i haven't had a good night's sleep in...well...can't remember how long.  he said that my blood levels are looking well enough to start tapering down the dosage and he prescribed some sleeping pills which he said were mild.  hope so...i'm a little freaked out cause i'm allergic to ambien.  :(

anyways...you've got the update.

i need to study.  2 tests tomorrow, and i spent the evening watching season 1 of LOST with the best friends and company.



Mom x 3 said...

By chance, what church do you go to? My husband's best friend (Jeremy) just moved to St Louis from Michigan to take on a new role as a pastor. That would be a small world!! So sorry you had a rough weekend! Pray you'll have a great week! :)

Emily said...

Sorry for such a stinky weekend! Hopefully this week will turn out better.

P.S. Lost is awesome! I just started watching it last summer from the beginning.

Lyryn said...

My husband has been begging me to watch season 1 again. I'm not sure I can do it.... but we'll see! Praying for you!

Acting Out World Change said...

Hm. I take prednisone for my asthma sometimes. I guess it's not regular enough to induce side effects. Except the first time I took it my immunity went bankrupt and I got shingles. That was the suck.
I will pray for you.

Casey said...

I hope that you're feeling better soon and that your week turns around!

wife.mom.nurse said...

I love focusing on one specific attribute of God. He is sovereign.

What a wonderful thing to have such a caring pastor!

Hope you had a good evening...feel better!~

Jordan & Kasey Cox said...

God is indeed sovereign! He is so good!

Also, praying for you...love ya buddy!