Tuesday, April 21, 2009

it's official...

3 A's and a C/B (not quite sure yet on the chem grade...extra credit work hasn't been graded yet.)

i am finished for the spring semester!!!!!!!!!  i have one whole month off before i start microbiology. 

tonight, i had shaved ice with one of my best friends ;) tried a new flavor orangeade (can you guess...yep...orange and lemonade) and stole a bite of raspberry colada (raspberry and coconut??yeah i think that's what it was)(thanks for that, buddy)...both flavors equally delightful.  i love it when it works out that way!!!  

i now have a semi-clean apartment (it has gotten pretty scary in the last few busy weeks), laundry is going, as well as the dishwasher.  clean sheets are on my bed, i just got out of the shower and after that bit of productiveness, i'm going to sleep the sleep of the not stressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love it!


erin said...


Unknown said...

Yeah, that's right Erin!