also, met with the advisor. she said my transcripts looked good, and i just need to finish a&p, take chemistry and microbiology. then take the psb test...which includes spelling, natural sciences, scenarios and a few other things that i forget right now.
i have a month to study for and take 2 tests, pass the tests, then get permission to apply to the nursing program. and wow the board.
and i am so quick to become discouraged. somehow i think that this math score will be my downfall. i know it isn't true; i get one chance at a retake. and i know i'm supposed to pursue i shouldn't stress out...but still. the seed of doubt is quick to root deep into the back of my consciousness. ugh. stupid girl.
anyway, in happier news. had a chance to relax a bit tonight with some shaved ice. summer is winding down. not many more chances for shaved ice. but summer turns into fall...and we know what that means!!!! my favorite season!!!! yay for pumpkin carving (side note: people get prepared for the 3rd annual pumpkin carving party at my place!!!!!!!!! more info coming in october), yay for hayrides, apple picking and cider, hoodies, 60 degree days, changing leaves, falling leaves, maybe some camping this year again...i can't wait!!!
I also love fall for all the reasons you listed and don't forget about. . . . . .college football!!!
ooooh yes...but college basketball is better...sorry...that's just the way it is.
You did forget caramel apples... and without braces, you can have those now :)
Boo on Math. Math stinks.
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